Home > Federal Employees > CSRS
This section is intended to provide you with an overview of CSRS – from how and why the plan is offered, to eligibility requirements, retirement income options, and related programs. Click on the subheadings below to access the specific topic of interest within this page. This section will discuss the following:
- Eligibility – The main eligibility requirements for the common types of retirements.
- Computation – How your retirement annuity is computed.
- Creditable Service – Rules showing the civilian and military service that can be used to compute your CSRS retirement benefits.
- Planning and Applying – It’s never too early to start planning for retirement in order to ensure it goes smoothly. Here you will find information to help ensure your retirement starts well.
- Types of Retirement – Learn about the age, service requirements and considerations affecting the various types of retirement.
- Survivors – When a Federal employee dies, monthly or lump sum benefits may be payable to survivors. Learn about these Survivor benefits here.
- Military Retired Pay – Adding military service to your civilian service.
- Service Credit – Payment to increase your annuity for civilian service when no CSRS retirement deductions were withheld or were refunded or for military service after 1956.
- Former Employees – Options if you leave your Federal job before becoming eligible for retirement.
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